This year I started attending conferences as a speaker (I actually never attended them in a different format). I have already spoken at 7 different conferences, but, until now, I have not spoken at meetups. PHP NN Meetup # 0 is the first meetup I spoke at. The talk was almost a complete repetition of my report about images at BIF2019. By a little, I regularly add various things there that may be of interest to public.
At BIF2019, I met the PHP developer from Skyeng Sergey Zhuk (, and he in turn, introduced me to the DevRel from Skyeng, Alexei Korneev. In the process of discussing the wonderful world of web development and events that could be held, we agreed that there will be 2 meetups, where I am going to aapear - November 2 in Nizhny Novgorod and November 29 in Ufa.

DIY video broadcast
As usual, the question arose- will the event be recorded or broadcasted? – there were not any plans for it. Without hesitation, I decided to take the initiative into my own hands, use the resource of our video production team, assemble the necessary equipment and organize the broadcast "on the knee with my own hands." It was my first experience in organizing video broadcasting and the result of the broadcast you can see tapping the link -

When I put all the equipment together, started the broadcast and saw the result, I exhaled. The sound went great, the presentation picture also was excellent. The only thing that raised questions was the speaker's video - it came directly from the laptop's webcam with the presentation due to the lack of the necessary equipment. It is also necessary to mention that microphones were wired and like in a western movies with cowboys throw the swish we did with the microphone over to anyone who wants to ask a question to the speaker. Well, this equipment is a real deal - we will also have wireless microphones 🙂

Road to Nizhny Novgorod
I went to Nizhniy by train again, but this time with a high-speed train. The tickets for the suite and the usual seating, towards Nizhny Novgorod, differed by 150 rubles, and therefore I asked the organizers to buy me a luxury ticket. The train left at over 6 (in the morning) and, in this regard, the availability of a bed and a shower was very helpful. After sleeping for 3 hours and putting myself in order, I ate in the restaurant (also included in the price) and ended up at the destination.
Meetup program and my presentation

Since I was intented into broadcasting and recording, I was poorly involved in the reports, but I listened to Oleg’s (from SkyEng) report about the mentoring of most of all and I liked the idea of supporting the developers at the beginning of their journey. This is about the same thing I do when I hire juns and this report was really useful to me. Truly, I had no idea that there is such a fundamental and well-functioning mechanism of mentoring and supporting into the development world 🙂 The dinner was sponsored by Skyeng - they ordered an amazing Nizhny Novgorod s’ square pizza. Thanks to its "squareness" the pizza itself becomes noticeably larger with the same box dimensions.

My report was the last one in line. But I was engaged with not only in the report and broadcast, therefore, at first, I switched the broadcast and only then began to speak. Due to my imprudence, I took the wrong version of the presentation itself, but this is not the first time I read this report - I calmly told what was not in this version and, it seems, there were no problems. In fact, I have not yet resolved the issue of a convenient mechanism for communication between the front and backend at the image level. The current version works and seems to be fine, but there are unpleasant things that I, of course, will not write about them 🙂 First, I will solve them, and then I will share with you.

The man from the motorcycle past Alexey Zubkov
Throughout my trip, my friend from motorcycle life Alexey was with me - he met me from the train, took me to the event, helped me to lay out and, then, assemble the equipment and make the event as good as possible. Special thanks to him for this. After the event, he and I walked around the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, Pokrovka, and each went about our own business.
АAfterparty and the way home
I walked to the «Khmel» bar, where the afterparty was taking place after the meetup. I talked to Alexey (devrel from Skyeng) about further events, where I can be as a speaker and / or organizer of the video broadcast. We agreed that I will organize a broadcast at a meetup in the Skyeng office - - so, join the broadcast :)Я
After discussing the urgent matters, I went leisurely towards the railway station. I was going back in sitting places and it was very uncomfortable. One gets the feeling that the designers of the Swifts armchairs were faced with the task of making them as uncomfortable as possible - it was impossible to sleep or sit on them for more than 10 minutes. After - everything goes numb. I admit that I was not lucky with a particular chair.
When I got to the Kurskiy railway station, I walked to the Kazansky railway station and already around 2.30 at night I was at home. On this my trip was completed and now we can take stock. In total, I spent 10 hours and 1 minute in Nizhny Novgorod. This is my shortest stay in a city so far from home 🙂
Sum up
Giving feedback to an event where at least partially took part on the side of the organizer is not a good idea, but I'll try:
- The road to NN
- Video broadcast quality (objectivly)
- Square pizza
- Interesting acquantanceship
- Engaged audience and intersting questions
- First of all weather.Slush and Rain
Nothing more to add really interesting and useful meet up 🙂