Good afternoon everyone. I am starting to provide new type of service - the organization of online broadcasting and video recording of events. Why broadcasts and why am I interested in it?
In 2019, I attended many IT events: from small local meetups to large flagship conferences in Russia.
I noticed that all branded and most popular conferences are always distinguished by convenient and high-quality video broadcasting and recording. Everyone can watch the live broadcast from the main conference rooms without any problems, just by opening the broadcast on YouTube.

Speaking myself, as a speaker, I asked myself a question - why isn't this at all IT events?
To me as a speaker, it is always very interesting to watch recordings of my speech in order to understand what can be improved in it. And, of course, watch the recordings of reports from parallel actions, which were not possible to visit.
In fact, video recording is a necessary attribute of an event. And online broadcasting powerfully expands the boundaries of any event - it can be watched from anywhere in the world, where there is Internet, in real time. Thanks to this, the number of participants in even a small meetup in a small room can reach tens, hundreds, or even thousands of viewers without additional costs. But, unfortunately, not all events have it.

That is why I decided to try to figure out how to organize the broadcast myself. Our team already had experience in video production of various levels of complexity, it only remained to figure out how to transfer this experience to broadcasts. After some time, we were able to achieve success in this and now we are ready to offer this service to everyone. At the moment, the price is formed as follows:
- compensation for the travel of our team and equipment to the event site (plane / train tickets or fuel by car). Moscow is free;
- from 3000 / hour of broadcast: one camera, signal from the presentation and sound from the mixer;
- from 5000 / hour of broadcast: two cameras, presentation and sound from a mixer;
- lease of the missing equipment (sound, light) is discussed separately.
It is important - the minimum calculation of the broadcast is from 3 hours and further for each incomplete hour. As a result, you receive a webcast in real time and, immediately after the event, a recording of the entire event remains. There is no need to wait weeks and months - you have the appointment on the very first day ! 🙂
Examples of our work on organizing video broadcasts you can find here:
- PHP Meetup # 0 Nizhny Novgorod. We broadcast the video signal directly from the speaker's laptop, glued together with the capture of the presentation. - PHP Meetup Moscow. Capture from two cameras and presentation slides.

And one more nice bonus - I can speak at your event as a speaker, if the topic is suitable 🙂 The topics of my reports and recordings of my speeches can be viewed here -
You can contct me using any preferable means of communication-