History of one PWA

I have been asking myself a question - why don't we always use PWA instead of native applications. I’m a WEB developer and it’s so simple to write a program once and enjoy my whole life. But not everything is as simple as we want.
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In my report, I’ll follow the steps right along the path of developing my own application, which was originally planned as PWA without native versions and explain why, at the moment, I decided to implement the native versions of this app. To get a really good PWA I had to make a lot of mistakes. I'm planning to show them using real examples.

Abstracts for publication

For a long time it became possible to turn WEB applications into "progressive web applications" and get an application, in some cases, not inferior to real native applications. PWA, at first glance, looks like a very logical solution. It is obvious because it is much cheaper and easier to make an application that will work immediately on all the platforms where there is a browser. Since mobile phones are our constant companions and, very often, PWA capabilities are enough and it is not necessary to make a native application, the report will be useful for everyone who, in one way or another, works in WEB applications and considers the movement towards application development specifically for phones. Questions that I am ready to disclose in the report:
  • What PWA is and what opportunities it opens
  • PWA Implementation Basics
  • Known and Unobvious PWA Issues
  • PWA Development Case Study Step-By-Step
  • When it's worth to start with native development right away